inj3ct0r 1337day clone template for blogspot

TUTORIAL BLOG | BLOG TEMPLATE -  Just Information and sharing There are a few friends who asked a template I've ever used, so I wanted to share a template for blogspot named viorenza world . This theme is inspired from the website inj3ct0r residing in . Previous ever created for wordpress thme inj3ct0r clone by masterotong . and then edited by master p-cbn. 

Indeed, the template is still far from perfect, just similar. But it would not hurt if I share my edits this template. This template is removed from the artificial template Rainbow afternoon then by p-cbn did a lot of changes for the sake of my goal to make it as similar as possible with inj3ct0r. 

  • XML & TXT
Size: 31kb

Just 1 column template information that may not have had definite advantages and disadvantages. One of its shortcomings is Date or the date does not appear on the blog page. Example try THIS CLICK and see her on the date. How to Install:

  •  Keep your original template used to anticipate
  • Download The template
  • Upload to your blogger (Dashboard >> Design >> Edit HTML >> Upload)
  • Click the preview to see results
  • Finish


1. Search Button
  • To add a search button at the bottom of the header you like in DEMO , Previous widged first add an HTML / Javascript and paste the code below.
<form action = ' search 'id =' searchform 'method =' get 'name =' searchform '>
<font face = "Tahoma "size =" 2 ">
<span style="color:#008800"> [Search: </ span>
<input id = 's' name =' q 'onblur =' if (this.value = = "") {this.value = "";} 'onfocus = "if (this.value ==" ") {this.value =" "}' type = 'text' value ='' />
<input id = 'searchsubmit' type = 'submit' value = 'submit' />
</ b> </ font> </ b> </ form> </ center>
  • Replace the mark Bold Red above with your blog url and click save
  •  Then click and drag it to the widget-top blog post .

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