How to Install a themes in Kali linux

    Hey guys, this morning I want jelasin little way to install the theme at Kali linux, this tutorial Deini I get from my brother, and my little modification in my graffiti books, and tutorials are not the same anymore to have a brother Deini. Ok friend did not talk much longer we go straight to the center,

Ok first time companions Open a terminal in Linux. By way of Ctrl + Alt + T
  Then the friend command
root @ Koetaradja48 ~ # apt-get install gnome-tweak-tool (enter)

Can see photos of my friend

 Ok friends moat in see ya girl in that picture Focus to Tutorial: D

            If the friend is ready to install gnome-tweak-tool, so now we'll open the gnome-tweak-tool there are 2 ways. First friend can open the terminal with the command:
root @ Koetaradja48 ~ # gnome-tweak-tool (enter)
Can see photos of my friend

Or friend can also open the second way,
Click Applications> System Tools> Preferences> Advanced Settings and then click
Can see photos of my friend

Ok now we are looking for friends first theme . Go to Google Chromes or Mozilla Firefox

gnome look {enter }

Click GNOME -

Click GTK 3.x

Now friends find a theme that suits willingness friend ,
if it can be friends download

If you're ready download his companions , companions open the folder where the file was downloaded Friend, and then extract the appropriate file type application pal pal files , for example tar.gz
Friends can see my photos

Then copy the files companions themes to / usr / share / themes / or friends can also copy over the road at Kali linux terminal

open gnome-tweak-tool
Click Themes> GTK + Themes and select the name of the file that extracts friend


Ok buddy finish, which my friend, your friend, buddy theme Coman under
ok buddy, I'll see you again in his next tutorial Greetings Koetaradja48

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