how to bypass any windows login.

I know its simple and most of you guys already would know this, but bare with me its my first tutorial!

Lets say for instance, you forgot the password for your (cough Hehe) windows computer. Well in this tutorial I will be showing you how to bypass any windows login.
(As long as the BIOS isn't locked as stated in the comments)

What you need:
1. Kon-Boot v2.3 (works on Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, and/or 8.1) (also 64-bit and 32-bit)
2. A computer you have access to (burn the .img or run the .exe)
3. Imgburn (OPTIONAL: if you want to burn a CD copy of Kon-boot)

First things first, download and extract the .zip from above. Pretty simple right? You should have a folder that looks like this.
[Image: b3f102ac90617c42b125b80e8f38a50c.png]

Second of all, you have different options that you can choose. As you can see you have either CD, Floppy, and/or USB. Also you can choose to run the .exe which I guess you can say more user friendly. I shouldn't have to explain how this works.. come on now. 
[Image: d4c5138b46bb42f397f29f9c53f73829.png]

Lets say you want to burn a CD copy of Kon-Boot. This is the method I used when I locked myself out of my old laptop. Launch imgburn and out of the 6 choices on screen, choose "Burn image to disk". Pop in your disk you wish to burn Kon-Boot onto, and load up the .img located in the "kon-bootCD" folder. When you are done just load it into the machine you wish to bypass, and there you go. 

If you wish to install Kon-Boot onto your USB stick, insert it into your machine. Then open the "kon-bootUSB" folder and run the "usb_install_RUNASADMIN" as administrator. It should ask you if you wish to install on the USB stick you inserted earlier, choose yes. Well there you go, now you can insert it into the machine you wish to bypass and work some magic. 

I won't go over how to install it on a floppy, kinda outdated on my view. But if you choose to use this method then by all means you should have the knowledge of burning a basic image onto one. 

I apologize for not uploading images for the CD and USB method. The steps are beyond simple that I felt I didn't need to post an image. Anyways I hope this helped people out there and again this is my first tutorial. Thanks for viewing! Black Hat

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