All about autorun

All about autorun
1. Introduction:

Autorun files can do different things depending upon their configuration
e.g Executing a file , Changing the drive icon , adding options in shell menu (for the drive) .

2. Format:

for an autorun file to work it must be named "autorun.inf" and nothing else(CAPS don't MaTTeR) .All autorun files start with this "[autorun]" on the first line (without quotes) . It supports only 1 property per line.

3. Properties and usage:

List of properties/attributes/options an autorun file can hold

i. icon
the icon property is the one used to change icon (obvious from the name) .. 
Sample usage:

icon = myicon.ico

The icon property can take icon from an exe file too e.g

icon = Firefox.exe

The above will change the icon to firefox.exe's icon.

ii. action

This adds an option to the menu that appears when you insert a CD/DVD or connect a USB.
Sample usage:

action=run this program

will add an action in the menu with the name run this program

iii. open

specifies the program to run when you click the option you created with "action" in this case it's "Run this program"
Sample usage


this enables to open vlc.exe when you click on "Run this program" (u must have vlc in the root of USB/CD for this to work)

iv. Label
This renames your USB/CD/DVD to a name (label) of your choice . Just like renaming the drive
Sample usage


renames your USB/CD/DVD to MyPendrive

v. shellexecute

just like open command . it adds a bold faced "Autoplay" to the right-click menu (shell menu) of the USB/CD/DVD
plus it can also be used to visit a url.
Sample usage


Example 2


as you can see the first example visits madleets when you click the BOLD FACED autoplay while the second example executes game.exe present in the root of the drive

NOTE: if you want to use open and shellexecute in 1 autorun file then you have to put a ";" before open (without quotes) 

open=vlc.exe  BECOMES ;open=vlc.exe

vi. shell

It adds an entry to the right-click (shell menu) of the drive that executes the specified file when clicked. shell is used in combination with a verb.

Sample usage


The above will add an entry "VIRkid" to the right-click (shell menu) of the drive . to associate an action with this entry we use 


now we have associated video.mp4 with the entry "VIRkid" so when you click VIRkid it will play video.mp4

You can add as many entries as you want to the shell menu . you just have use different verb




the above adds an entry named MaDLeeTs to the shell menu .. which plays MaDmusic.mp3 when you click on it.

Thats all from me . Thanks for reading .. I hope you learn something . feedback is much appreciated and most welcome


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