Lets Go
Download the Program MIRC .
And then Download and Install .
When u Install Open the MIRC
and u will get a Popup:
Email adress
Complete With real infos .
Then Go Connect to Server and u will get a blank page ..
then Go /Server irc.underunix.net
and u will connect to server and then u will need to type this :
/ns register password Email
Exp :
/ns register asd123 cosanostraabh@yahoo.com
then u get e message u need to comfirm your nickname for 500seconds and u need to wait 8min and to Resend this again .
/ns register asd123 cosanostraabh@yahoo.com
and u will REGISTER
and u will get a password and u will complete the Registration .
Then Complete all the Reg..
and Go /join #unix
and u will get a new Windows .
and u will Go to server .
and u get a lots of cvv +200 on day
================================================== ==
To Connect again when u Go exit u need to go on MIRC Open .
and u will pop up a that again name email adress and u will only type Connect server and u willl conect to the server . and u will press :
/msg nickserv identify and password u Register and u will login .
and again type /join #unix
and Done ...
Sign up here with your email
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