but what about the Kali linux who berbase Debian Wheezy.
Okay, we'll discuss how to replace the Themes on operation system Kali Linux.
Sumber https://www.facebook.com/l30ckX
See the initial Theme is a theme that I use Default theme:
equipment :
Download Themes (GTK-3)
First Step :
install gnome tweak tool
root@kali:~# gnome-tweak-tool
if the installation is complete then we open gnome-tweak-tool
root@kali:~# gnome-tweak-tool
Next klick Tab Theme :
See the Tab Window Theme, Theme Icon and GTK + Theme I still use (the default) as my theme.
The next close Gnome-Tweak-tools.
let's change the theme that we download
and I think you have finished downloading it :)
then extract themenya coincidence here I use *. zipped and I put it on the Desktop
root@kali:~/Desktop# unzip -x dorian-theme.zip
finished extract files themenya let's copy to the directory /usr/share/themes/ << folder theme
root@kali:~/Desktop# cp -r dorian-theme /usr/share/themes/
I think there is no problem until here.
then we run lg Gnome-Tweak-Tools like a first step, and then select the theme that we just created
Finish, this is my theme =))
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