Decrypt MD5 $Wordpress

Hy, I'm back again. I will discuss how to Decrypt a password in the form the MD5 hash wordpress. here are some examples of hash md5 encryption wordpress will we Decrypt:
$P$BDHjLCEroc8ujkcs8RZxOhcE80aV5h. : th3sweety0ne
$P$BPXNfl3mZiO7PZc4XZqFFjX7TyP7Lh. : Pabl0-saChez
$P$BqilSln8PD9SBFuTx8KkaXz62aIIvV/ : m4rim4r123
$P$BnfObieGq5ygdt0OMgwbnKvFt8EFUs. : Gh0stTrac3
$P$B.RwpJQV8ANOyl19RGHhCaYYgJyvQM1 : *12345*0a0b0c0d

many of my friends are overwhelmed when decrypt wordpress md5 hash. so are they wasting their jobs because they could not solve this one password. Equipments:
1. Hashcat ==> Decrypt Hash
2. Rockyou.txt ==> Wordlists
3. Hash-Identifier ==> to see hash mode

Here I use the Operating System Kali Linux.

First Step : we see the kind of hash we will Decrypt. to facilitate us in decryption.

look the picture above it is read as a of MD5 hash wordpress, rigth ?

Next I keep it in the Desktop directory with the name hashMD5.tx

and wordlist that I use is located in the directory /usr/share/wordlists/

The next step lets the Decrypt hash:

root@H2:~# hashcat -m 400 /root/Desktop/hashMD5.txt /usr/share/wordlists/rockyou.txt 

-m = --hash-type=NUM --Hash-type, see references below
400 = MD5(Wordpress)
/root/Desktop/hashMD5.txt = path hash directory
/usr/share/wordlists/rocyou.txt = path wordlists directory

$P$BDHjLCEroc8ujkcs8RZxOhcE80aV5h. : th3sweety0ne
$P$BPXNfl3mZiO7PZc4XZqFFjX7TyP7Lh. : Pabl0-saChez
$P$BqilSln8PD9SBFuTx8KkaXz62aIIvV/ : m4rim4r123
$P$BnfObieGq5ygdt0OMgwbnKvFt8EFUs. : Gh0stTrac3
$P$B.RwpJQV8ANOyl19RGHhCaYYgJyvQM1 : *12345*0a0b0c0d

NOTE : if your wordlist do not work, please make a wordlist using Crunch Good luck. Author by: Hidemichi-Hiroyuki a.k.a [H2]

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