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Download :
- Download | YouWave Android 2.1.2 incl. Crack - (102 MB)
- Download | YouWave 2.1.2 Crack Only - (450 KB)
- Password : www.dytoshare.us
Minimum System Requirements :
- Intel Pentium 1.6GHz CPU, 1GB DRAM, 500MB disk space,
- Windows XP, Vista or Windows 7 32/64 bit
Key Technical Features
- Supports Android 2.3 Gingerbread (new)
- Runs on Windows XP/Vista/7, 32/64 bit
- Simulated SD card functionality - enables game saving
- Saved State - enables fast restart
- Enables multi-player online games
- Dynamic rotating - phone-like instant response (new)
- Volume control buttons (new)
- Retractable control panel (new)
Sekilas Cara Install Aplikasi Android (.apk) di YouWave :
- Pertama tentunya anda cari dulu aplikasi androidnya, bisa di cari di om google. Ekstensi filenya .apk (Misalnya : Calculator.apk)
- Lalu Jalankan YouWave Android - Pilih FILE - Path to Apps... - Lalu pilih deh dimana lokasi aplikasi tadi.
- Lalu OPEN
- Maka di YouWave akan muncul icon aplikasinya - Klik 2X - Otomatis akan Install
- Dinikmati deh.
Maaf belum bisa membuat screenshot untuk cara install aplikasi androidnya secara detail karena keterbatasan waktu, nanti akan saya bahas dipostingan berikutnya.
# Tested By Me @Windows 7 Ultimate 64 Bit
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