Screenshot :
Download Via Mediafire 4,7 GB - 24 Part @200 MB :
- Download | Need For Speed : The RUN (Repack) - (4,7 GB)
- Password (if need) : www.dytoshare.us
Jangan lupa download 2 jamu dibawah ini :
- Download | Repack Fix NFSTR - (175 KB)
- Download | Fix Crack NFSTR - (8 MB)
- Password : www.dytoshare.us
Sebelum install, cek dulu System Requirements :
Minimum System Requirements (PC)
- OS: Windows Vista SP2 32-bit
- DirectX: DirectX 10
- CPU: 2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo or equal AMD
- Memory: 3 GB
- HDD: 18 GB
- Graphics (AMD): 512 MB RAM ATI Radeon 4870 or better
- Graphics (NVIDIA): 512 MB RAM NVIDIA GeForce 9800 GT or better
- Sound: DirectX compatible
- Input: Keyboard, Gamepad or Wheel
- DVD Rom
- Online: 512 KBPS Internet connection or better
Recommended System Requirements (PC)
- OS: Windows 7 SP1 64-bit
- DirectX: DirectX 11
- CPU: 3.0 GHz Intel Core 2 Quad or equal AMD
- Memory: 4 GB
- HDD: 18 GB
- Graphics (AMD): 1024 MB RAM ATI Radeon 6950
- Graphics (NVIDIA): 1024 MB RAM NVIDIA GeForce GTX560
- Sound: DirectX compatible
- Input: Keyboard, Gamepad or Wheel
- DVD Rom
- Online: 512 KBPS Internet connection or better
Cara Install :
- Download semua partnya (24 Part) - Gabungkan dengan HJSPLIT - Lalu Ekstrak dengan POWERISO
- Jalankan 'Setup.exe' - Tunggu Proses Instalasi sampai selesai
(Prosesnya sekitar 4 Jam) - Copy 2 Crack diatas ke Folder Instalasi NFS The RUN.
Ini karena crack NFS Repacknya terdeteksi virus, jadi barangkali terhapus bisa pakai Crack Fix aja. - Enjoy
# Tested by Me @Windows 7 Ultimate 64 Bit
# Instalasi lama karena ini Repack dari 14 GB (Original), menjadi 4,7 GB saja.
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